What is reflexology?
Reflexology goes back 5,000 years in China, where the early Taoists were using it as a means of improving health. It is a system developed from Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Qi Meridian System. From these studies, the early Taoists were able to develop an alternative form of acupuncture, where they can stimulate the acupuncture points by applying pressure instead of using needles. They are able to stimulate the connected organs by following the Meridian System where the life energy Qi travels. Every organ in your body is represented in the Meridian System, it is a pathway for the Qi, or Chi, to follow, and all the paths end up on the bottom of your feet. So each reflex zone corresponds to a part of your body. By stimulating these points with acupressure, you are rebalancing the Qi in your body, leading to better health.
Is reflexology a type of massage?
No, reflexology is not a massage, but it feels like one. As explained in the answer above, a massage simply follows the direction of the muscles, and relieves tension by rubbing it. Reflexology follows the Meridian System, and relieves the body symptoms by balancing the Qi with the rub/push/hold actions. It’s like having a roadblock in an intersection; once the roadblock is cleared, the traffic flows. Similarly, when a blockage is present in a reflexive zone, massage therapists are trained to find these blockages and unblock them, allowing the Qi life energy force to pass through unhindered.
Does reflexology require special training?
Yes. We at Zen Heart believe that the best reflexologists are the ones trained for it. Our licensed massage therapists differ from regular masseuse in that they have spent years studying Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Meridian System in China. Knowing exactly where the acupressure points are are of vital importance. Each reflexive zone corresponds to acupressure points. A trained massage therapist can detect the subtle location differences of these areas between individuals and best determine where they should apply the pressure. People have slight differences. Knowing these slight differences is the key between having a treatment therapy and having injuries. This is the reason why at Zen Heart Massage, all of our therapists are licensed California massage therapists.
Can you do reflexology if you have wounds or sores on your feet?
No. We do not recommend foot reflexology treatments when you have wounds or sores on your feet. No open cuts, sores, or wounds on your feet. However, we may relieve some of your symptoms with either a body massage or a chair massage, avoiding the injured area.
Does reflexology hurt?
Many times, the reflex points that are blocked, can feel like sore muscles, or very tender areas. Please let our massage therapists know if you need less pressure or more pressure, as each individual has a different tolerance level. But in general, reflexology feels akin to a deep tissue massage or a sports injury massage.
Can reflexology help with my sinus allergies?
Yes, you can relieve sinus allergies with foot reflexology massage.
Can reflexology relieve headaches?
Yes, many of our clients have headaches, and they usually get relief from the headaches before the foot reflexology massage is over. Some clients even have their headaches gone in as little as 20 minutes.
Can reflexology relieve constipation?
Yes, reflexology relieves constipation by assisting the bowels to move and move quickly. However if you have irritable bowel syndrome or colitis, you should let our therapists know beforehand, so they know the proper areas to stimulate to bring relief.
Can reflexology eliminate toxins?
Yes, there are additional areas on your legs that our therapists work on, in addition to the foot reflex points. Reflexology helps move the toxins out of your system faster. However if the toxins have been in your system for a long time, it will also require an amount of time before it can be completely eliminated from your body. Every one is different, and the results will also vary.
Does reflexology cure illnesses?
No, reflexology itself doesn’t cure illnesses. What it does is rebalance your body’s energy system, and realign it so that the body can heal itself. Reflexology is a drugless method of healing that the Chinese have been using since 2704 BCE, and it moved from China to Egypt to Japan.
How long would it take before I see results?
It depends upon the individual’s state of health, the severity of the problem, and if there are additional complications. Minor things like headaches and allergies can be relieved in one session, but this varies from person to person. Some clients experience prolonged relief in as little as 3 days whereas others have experienced great results lasting 2 weeks.
We recommend you get a foot reflexology treatment once every two weeks, at the minimum once a month. You decide what works for you. We always welcome you whether you come once in a while, or come regularly.
Do you use any oils or lotions?
Yes we do. We find that combining the aromatherapy and the oils provide a more comfortable experience for our clients. They can relax more and the feeling of the reflexology goes more smoothly and effectively than without the oils.
How should I dress for my treatment?
Our foot reflexology treatment works on calves and feet. Please wear comfortable pants where you can roll your pants up to your knees so you can soak your feet in the herbal bath comfortably and be massaged. You can bring your own shorts to change into; please arrive at least 5 minutes early to allow for changing time. Wearing sandals or flip flops is required so please bring your own for your comfort.
For a full body massage, you are required to take your clothes off. Individual treatment rooms are available for this.
For a chair massage, you don’t have to remove any any clothing or shoes.
Any special recommendations after the treatment?
After the treatment, you will be so relaxed and without tension. We recommend you drink plenty of water following the treatment as it facilitates elimination of toxins and assists the body in healing.